Sarah and I wanted to post things happening with us as well as Noa, so we could remember better. Since Noa helped me study so much for my classes, I wanted to share how well we did.
90 = Midterm 1 = 36/40
92 = Exam 2 = 37/40
100 = Final exam = 50/50 (wow! I was shocked)
95.15 = Term Paper = 95.15/100
I dont get the "official" grade until I do a blood test, but it looks like an A.
Thanks everyone for their support and encouragement. Especially Sarah, she was an awesome study partner. After every class she would ask me what I learned, I loved going over my notes her and explaining things I found exciting. She even suggested studying with me in the car, which I took up many times, including three 2+ hour car trips. Granted, marketing is awesome, but it was generous nevertheless.
Nathan (Dad)
I love the picture with the marketing book! Vic really got a kick out of it.
Would love to see new pictures of bigger Noa!
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