Monday, May 3, 2010

Potty Improvement

Noa spent about 15minutes today before I officially "woke up" going poo-poo in the potty all by herself.

She took off her diaper, pooped in her little potty, put it in the big potty... and left it there for me to check out before flushing.

She also wiped successfully (unusual for her at the moment). Her butt was clean and about half a roll of TP was used, part of it was in the toilet like a giant TP mountain, and part of it in the garbage.

She was right to be proud, it was the first time I've seen her do the whole thing by herself and actually not get poop on anything. It was pretty impressive.

The only place there was poop: her shirt. Eeeew. After we took it off she said: "You put this in the laundry and get another pink one that doesn't have poop on it."

1 comment:

mikasnook said...

ahaha! "You put this in the laundry and get another pink one that doesn't have poop on it." What an awesome kid!